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I am faithful to my premonitions because I try to understand all the subtle signs that the universe blows in my ears and in my thoughts.

 Who I am? 


I am Aruna Chy, the creator of my life, my well-being and my development. I am the creator of my material, spiritual, emotional abundance and I am assiduously listening to my intuition which guides me at every moment. I am faithful to my premonitions because I try to understand all the subtle signs that the universe blows in my ears and in my thoughts. I ask to be guided, protected and to focus on solutions rather than problems. Being a person who seeks to be in his power and let go of the parasitic energies, physical, mental, family or other so that I can evolve in my own free will. With experience, I have learned to trust the universe that is only a reflection of myself. What I send into the universe is the result that I receive as a boomerang. This is one of the reasons I am continually observing the flow of my thoughts. Immediately a parasitic thought haunts me, I stop it and I speak to it that it is not welcome and that it returns to its source.

The mind as well as the physical body constantly needs to be reset, cleansed of its impurities, recharged with good food that is a crystalline vibration. Always with my heart in my hands, I (Aruna) was always ready to listen and encourage those around me. I call this dynamic karma yoga, spiritual practice or "selfless action is accomplished for the benefit of others". My happiness is to be at peace and to have accomplished to the best of my ability every day. My happiness is not to give importance to the outside of myself and to the morons who try to take away my smile. I make his way hand in hand with the voice of the middle and following the 5 main human values: truth, non-violence, love, peace and good conduct.

Over the past six years, I have made many sacrifices, because to be in my power and to choose the people I want to work with, is an extremely difficult task because of the limiting cultural barriers, family hierarchies to be made aware of, to undo and finally cut forever so that I can completely free and autonomous. Ceaselessly in my angel’s heart, I send daily good thoughts of love, peace and light to those in need, because for me there are no evil beings, there are just wounded, miserable beings and a lack of deep love for themselves.

Based on this principle of lack of love for oneself that most of the people I date, I (Aruna) chose to be a guide, a consultant in Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui corporeal, teacher, coach, mentor for the Magickey Teknik to help people feel good about themselves and regain their power to progress on their way to life.

I am also a developer and director for the Magickey Teknik World Academy for 6 years. I have trained more than 550 students in the technique of energy self-healing through the meridians of hands and feet in Quebec for more than 18 years.

Currently, due to the elimination of the unexpected academic activities of Covid-19, I am on my way out to virtually open the Magickey Teknik approach at the international level. In the meantime, I have added to my rope several other knowledge in the field of global physical, metaphysical, spiritual and environmental health, the Vastu Shastra, the Feng Shui Sacré and the classical approach of Bazi or the Four Pillars of Destiny. I devoted all my time to my passion for this art of the law of nature that I practice in my everyday life. As I say so well, while the cicadas sing and dance, the ant (Aruna) is taking advantage of this situation to broaden other knowledge at the level of digitalization to be ready for the Fire Age that is fast approaching in early 2024. I now devote in my space-time to learning to become an expert in photoshop, video shooting, photography and webmaster to support his partner Arunda in his work as webmaster. For me, it’s never too late to learn and to become better.
In Feng shui corporal, we are all destined to have a set of "eight characters" or 4 sets of characters depending on the year, month, day and time of birth that reveals our way of life. Therefore, Feng shui is an extraordinary means or tool to situate us in our life direction.

In short, it is with altruism that I accompany my clients to connect to the essence of themselves through the analysis of the charter of the four classic pillars of destiny because we are all destined to have a set of systematic calculations over the year, month, day and time of birth to guide us. Many of its customers are finding joy and hope at the end of the tunnel and coming out of their depression that lasted a great period of the Covid-19 year. I provide them with simple and effective solutions to find in their respective elements. The sessions with me, Aruna allow them to understand that the future cannot be predicted, it can only be prepared as our future is constantly changing.

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6 Oct 2019

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+1 (514) 800-8693

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231 Sherbrooke Street, #262,

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